The Shine project is a Deakin Uni initiative aimed at Year 7 students to learn healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviours as well as improve their mental health and self-image. The students will complete the eight-week online program during their Health and Physical Education class. The content is grouped into four themes with a total of approx. 31 modules in the program. It is a “choose your own story” type program, whereby students are free to choose whichever theme that interests them. There will however, be core modules that must be completed and where individuals have been identified as being at-risk, will have additional modules to complete.
User testing took place with a year 7 class. From the feedback they received it was clear the current design was not engaging students as well as they had hoped. Deakin Uni then contacted us at Deakin Co to help create a more engaging and interactive course.
The previous screens (screens below) were cluttered and had legibility issues. l simplified the design by introducing solid bold colours in the background instead of full screen imagery. This helped to make the content more legible and focus the user on the individual tasks. I introduced colour coding and iconography to the four themes so you know what theme you were on at any one time. I reduced the amount of content on the question pages and divided them up into bite sized questions with a slider for the answer which made it visually more appealing. Unfortunately we were unable to restructure the content pages due to budget and time constraints, so I added a grid system which would help readability and make them look more consistent. The corresponding theme colour and icon helped make the page look more appealing.
Existing screen designs
New screen designs